Barn Bash Events - David Phelps
Labor Day Barn Bash

Purchase tickets here, online, or in person at our store, Barn & Bale

Tickets On Sale 2/14/2025

•2 nightly concerts featuring David Phelps•

At 6:30 each evening the concert begins in The Barn.  David and the band always prep a great concert special for this event with guests and performances of seldom-heard songs.  Be sure and visit the concessionstand in Barn & Bale for refreshments during the event.


•Blue Bell Ice Cream•

Anyone who knows us knows we are super-fans of Blue Bell and their delicious ice cream.  (I mean, have you tasted Cookies & Cream??!!)   Tasty Blue Bell ice Cream is provided by Blue Bell Creameries but please bring your own stretchy pants!

CLICK HERE for information about Blue Bell Creameries.



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