We are so pleased you are interested in participating in Barn Bash Summer Nights Pie Bake-Off 2021! All profits collected from this Pie Bake-off will be donated the a local charity, Place of Hope. Below you will find answers to your questions about the process, how to apply, and the requirements you must meet to participate. Our goal is for this to be a fun, memorable experience for all involved as well as to give back to our community. Please read through the materials below and follow the detailed instructions. Please direct any questions you have to the email address: [email protected]. Someone on our staff will get back with you as soon as possible. We all look forward to this great event!
REGISTRATION PROCESS: Pay the Registration Fee and Fill out the Pie Bake-Off 2021 Registration and Release form.
You may pre-register your entry online at https://davidphelps.com/pie-bake-off for $10 or you may register on-site on the day of the event for $20.
PIE CATEGORIES: We have 2 pie categories in our Pie Bake-Off. Fruit & Other.
WHERE & WHEN: The Pie Bake-Off will be held on September 4, 2021 as a part of the Labor Day Barn Bash: Country Fair and Concert and will be held during the afternoon in the big tent at the Phelps Farm.
**Please note that you and any guests that accompany you will need to purchase entry tickets to the evening concert where the winners of the Pie Bake-off will be awarded.
Pie Bake-Off Contestants must deliver their pies and register between 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM. Every contestant must register in person at the event upon arrival and instructions for the contest.
**More information about our barn bash events, local attractions and hotels is available at https://davidphelps.com/barn-bash-events/.
THE BAKE-OFF: The Labor Day Barn Bash Pie Bake-Off will begin at 5:00 PM. A panel of judges will critique and decide on winners.
JUDGING CRITERIA: Pies will be judged on the following criteria – aroma, texture, flavor, appearance, and presentation.
WINNER CEREMONY: The grand prize, first place, second place, and third place winners will be announced during the Labor Day Barn Bash concert that begins at 6:30 PM September 4, 2021 in The Barn @ The Phelps Farm.
**Please note that you, as well as any guests that accompany you, will need to purchase tickets to the evening concert to be present for the awarding of Pie Bake-off winners.
PRIZES: Ribbons will be given to the First, Second and Third place winners. The Grand Prize winner will receive a special Labor Day Barn Bash Pie Bake-off pie plate.
The entire registration process for this event is ONLINE ONLY. Please do not attempt to submit paperwork via mail carrier.
After paying the one-time, non-refundable $10 registration fee via the Barn & Bale web store, you will be able to complete the registration form and the release form.
Pay Registration Fee Submit Registration
Complete the required information on the registration form that includes your name, age, address, email address, phone number (cell preferred), registration fee purchaser’s name (for our office records) and information about your pie. Read and sign the release form.
The Pie Bake-Off 2021 will be held at The Barn @ the Phelps Farm on September 4, 2021. Registration will begin at a designated booth. Bring your pie and paperwork to the table between 4:00 and 4:30 PM. Each entrant will check-in and receive a contestant number.
For those applying and registering on the day of the competition, there will be a $20 registration fee collected before registering can proceed.
Eligibility Requirements